Thursday, November 29, 2018

Top 10- A Prezi Presentation

How many top 10 lists have you seen in your lifetime? A lot right? Well this particular list is a top 10 of my all time favorite 90s cartoons. I know you might be thinking, how can you choose just 10, well I did and in order to do it I used Prezi!

Prezi is a newer, but not too new way to present Prezi presentations (wow say that 3 times fast). Many of us may be used to using Powerpoint, and if you know how, one can be very creative with Powerpoint resulting in a presentation to be proud of.

Using Prezi helps to push that creativity to its limits giving your viewers a new source of interest while watching your presentation. Prezi allows you to use music, animations and overall it is just a better and more pleasing to the eye way to present! Here is my top 10 all time favorite 90s cartoons presented by Prezi.

Kizoa is Cool

One of the last blogs we're doing for our class is a Kizoa post. As you can see, we've been finding newer and better ways to crea...